
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Interrogative Adverbs


Adverbs that are used to ask questions are called Interrogative Adverbs.

The answers to these questions will require the use of Simple Adverbs.

Why : for what reason ? When : at what time ? Where : at what place ? How : in what way ?

How does he speak ? (He speaks clearly)
How is he now ? (He is well)
Where is your bother ? (at home)
When is he going on tour ? (Tomorrow).
How often do you meet him? (only sometimes)
How long did you stay in Nigeria ? (for a month)
Since when have you started shaving ?
How hot is the milk ? (Very hot, quite hot)
How much do you know him? (a little)
Why were you absent yesterday ? (because of illness)
How did you reach here ?

What are Interrogative Adverbs?

Adverbs which are used to ask questions are called interrogative adverbs. These adverbs are placed at the beginning of a sentence. The interrogative adverbs are “why, where, how and when.” While framing questions using these adverbs, the subject and the verb should be placed in inverted positions such that verb comes before the subject.


  • Why are you working so late?

  • Where is she going now?

  • How are you?

  • When are your exams starting?

Uses of Interrogative Adverbs

Interrogative adverbs are used to ask different types of questions. Based on its usage, the interrogative adverbs are classified into the following types.

1. Interrogative Adverbs of Time: In this case, the interrogative adverb “when” is used to ask questions related to time. However, the interrogative adverb “how” is also used to ask time-related questions.


  • When is your last exam scheduled?  

  • When does Martin wake up in the morning?

  • How long will you take to complete that project? 

2. Interrogative Adverb of Place: In this case, the interrogative adverb “where” is used to ask details about place. 


  • Where is your house located in Chicago?  

  • Where is Mitchell going now?

  • Where can I find her?

3. Interrogative Adverb of Reason: Usually, the interrogative adverb “why” is used to find the reason for something. 


  • Why are you laughing so loudly? 

  • Why do you want to leave the job?

  • Why are you watching that episode again?

4. Interrogative Adverb of Manner: The interrogative adverb “how” is also used to ask about manner in which something is done or an action occurs. 


  • How did you complete the assignment in one day?

  • How was your experience of meeting a celebrity?  

  • How quickly can you reach the party?

5. Interrogative Adverb of Number: Here also, the interrogative adverb “how” is used to find the number.


  • How many chocolates are there in the box?

  • How often does the manager meet his clients in a month?

  • How many children do you have?  

6. Interrogative Adverb of Degree or Quantity: In this case too, the interrogative adverb “how” is used to find details about degree, quantity and amount. 


  • How many ice creams have you eaten?  

  • How much do you have to bend this rod?

  • How far can you travel in a bullock cart?  

Some More Examples: 

1. Why are there empty cans all over the roof?

2. When will you join the painting classes?

3. How can you eat the whole burger at one time?

4. Where is your brother?

5. How much do you need to pay in the cafeteria?

6. Why is everyone wearing the same colour dress to school today?

7. When is your uncle going to return my iPod?

8. How many times will you brush your teeth in a day?

9. Where is the old decrepit building in your city?

10. Why can’t you work along with me?

What Are Interrogative Adverbs? (with Examples)

The interrogative adverbs are whywherewhen, and how. They are used to ask questions. For example (interrogative adverbs shaded):

  • Why are there empty beer bottles in the garden?

  • Where is your sister?

  • When are you going to grow up?

  • How can you eat a freezer full of pizzas in one evening?

Note: When an interrogative adverb starts a question, the second word is the verb.

Different Types of Interrogative Adverb

Interrogative adverbs are used to ask different types of questions. For example, when is used to ask about time-related matters, where is used to ask about place-related matters, and why is used to ask about reasons. The quirky one is how, which can be used to ask about matters related to manner, time, quantity, amount and degree.

Interrogative Adverbs of Time

When an interrogative adverb is used to ask about a time-related matter, it is known as an interrogative adverb of time. Typically, the interrogative adverb will be when, but how is also used to ask time-related questions. For example:

  • When will this film end?

  • How long is left until the end of the film?

  • How often do you come to the cinema?

Interrogative adverbs of Place

The interrogative adverb where is used to ask about a place. For example:

  • Where is the cinema?

Interrogative Adverbs of Reason

The interrogative adverb why is used to ask about a reason. For example:

  • Why are you watching this film again?

Interrogative Adverbs of Manner

The interrogative adverb how is used to ask about manner (i.e., the manner in which the verb occurs). For example:

  • How quickly can you get home?

Interrogative Adverbs of Amount, Quantity, and Degree

The interrogative adverb how is used to ask for amounts, quantities, and degrees. For example:

  • How much coke have you got left?

  • How many sweets have you eaten?

  • How much more coke are you going to drink?

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