
Saturday, May 19, 2018

Object Pronouns

An object pronoun, also called objective pronoun, functions as the object of a verb or preposition, as distinguished from a subject or subjective pronoun, which is the subject of a verb.


  • He begged her to live with him. (her is the object of the verb begged and him is the object of the preposition with)

  • She told them the truth. (them is the object of the verb told)

Object pronouns are used instead of object nouns, usually because we already know what the object is.

  • She's my friend. I really enjoy being with her.

  • I like this film. I saw it last week.

Object Pronouns

Object pronouns in English are the following:

me, you, him, her, it, us, them

Object pronouns come after either a verb (e.g "like") or a preposition (e.g "to").


  • I like you but you don't like me.

  • Do you really hate her?

  • She loves sitting next to him.

  • She always writes e-mails to us.

  • He's talking to her about it.

Object pronouns differ from:

  • Subject pronouns,

  • possessive adjectives,

  • possessive pronouns,

  • and reflexive pronouns.


Subject pronounsPossessive adjectivesPossessive pronounsReflexive pronounsObject pronouns

Exercise on object pronouns

Grammar Exercise - Object Pronouns

Choose the right pronoun

  1. "Is he marrying Leila?"
    "Yes, he is in love with her !".

  2. "Your son is making a lot of noise!"
    "I'll ask him to be quiet."

  3. "Please will you ask Robert to come in."
    "Sorry, I don't know him ."

  4. "Where are my glasses?"
    "You are wearing them ."

  5. "Do you like apples?"
    "I love them ."

  6. "Why is he always talking about Liza?"
    "He obviously likes her ."

  7. "Where is my book? Oh, dear! I've lost it ."

  8. "Is that Nancy's new boyfriend?"
    "Don't ask me, ask her ."

  9. "What is the title of that article?"
    "I'm afraid I can't remember it ."

  10. "Look at John! He seems so happy?"
    "His friends offered him a guitar for his birthday!"

  11. "What are you going to do with those old papers?"
    "I'm going to recycle them ."

  12. "Let's see the latest Spielberg movie!"
    "I have already seen it !."

  13. "How are your kids? I haven't met them for ages!"

  14. "Have you met Alan and Tim?"
    "No, I have never met them ."

  15. "Do you want this book?"
    "Well, take it ."

  16. "My mother is fantastic! I like her very much."

  17. "Don't help me with this exercise! I can do it by myself."

  18. "This fruit is poisoned! Don't eat it ."

  19. "Take the children to bed. Don't let them watch this movie. "

  20. "Why is she helping John?"
    "She probably loves him ."

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