
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Active and Passive Voice: Tense-wise Rules - Simple future tense

Active and Passive Voice: Tense-wise Rules

Simple future tense

will,shall+be+3rd verb
Active Voice
Passive Voice
My uncle will pay my tuition fee.
My tuition fee will be paid by my uncle.
My uncle will not pay my tuition fee.
My tuition fee will not be paid by my uncle.
Will my uncle pay my tuition fee?
Will my tuition fee be paid by my uncle?

Simple Future Tense
Active: Subject + will/shall + first form of the verb + object
Passive: Object of the active sentence + will/shall + be + past participle form of the verb + by + subject of the active sentence
Active: I will write a letter.
Passive: A letter will be written by me.
Active: She will help me.
Passive: I will be helped by her.
Active: John will learn the lesson.
Passive: The lesson will be learnt by John.
Changing a negative sentence into the passive
Active: She will not help us.
Passive: We will not be helped by her.
Active: We will not visit the hill station this year.
Passive: The hill station will not be visited by us this year.
Active: We shall not betray our country.
Passive: Our country shall not be betrayed by us.
Changing an Interrogative sentence into the passive
Active: Will you help him?
Passive: Will he be helped by you?
Active: Will you not help me?
Passive: Shall I not be helped by you?
Active: Will they accept our invitation?
Passive: Will our invitation be accepted by them?
Future perfect tense
Active: Subject + will/shall + have + past participle form of the verb + object
Passive: Object of the active sentence + will/shall + have + been + past participle form of the verb + by + subject of the active sentence
Active: We shall not have accepted the invitation.
Passive: The invitation shall not have been accepted by us.
Active: She will have finished her work.
Passive: Her work will have been finished by her.
Active: They will have elected him their leader.
Passive: He will have been elected their leader (by them).
Changing an interrogative sentence into the passive
Active: Will she have cooked the food?
Passive: Will the food have been cooked by her?
Active: Will they have received our letter?
Passive: Will our letter have been received by them?
Active: Will they have caught the train?
Passive: Will the train have been caught by them?
Active: Who will have opposed you?
Passive: By whom will you have been opposed?

Active sentences in the future continuous and future perfect continuous tenses cannot be changed to the passive.
Related page

General rules for active voice and passive voice

What Is Voice? What are the Types of Voice?

What Is the Active Voice and Passive Voice?

Active and passive voice Rule with tenses,

Active and passive voice with Imperative Sentences

Active and passive voice Rule with modals

Active and Passive Voice rules - Simple Present tense

Active and Passive Voice – Present Continuous Tense

Active and Passive Voice rules – Present Perfect Tense

Active and Passive Voice rules – Past Indefinite Tense

Active and Passive Voice rules – Past continuous tense

Active and Passive Voice rules – Past perfect tense

Active and Passive Voice rules - Simple future tense

Active and Passive Voice rules Future perfect Tense

How to convert active voice sentence

How to form passive forms of verbs?

Rules for changing Active Voice into Passive Voice:

Changing Passive Voice to Active Voice.


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