
Sunday, October 26, 2014

How to convert active voice sentence

How to convert active voice sentence

First move the object in the active voice to the subject position. Use the appropriate ‘be’ verb
(is/am/are/was/were/has been/have been/shall be/will be)

Active Voice
Passive Voice
Columbus discovered America.
America was discovered by Columbus
Who did this work?
By whom was this work done?
Open the window
Let the window be opened
He is writing a letter
A letter is being written by him
The work will be finished by me
I will finish the work
Somebody cleaned the room yesterday
The room was cleaned yesterday.

Related page

General rules for active voice and passive voice

What Is Voice? What are the Types of Voice?

What Is the Active Voice and Passive Voice?

Active and passive voice Rule with tenses,

Active and passive voice with Imperative Sentences

Active and passive voice Rule with modals

Active and Passive Voice rules - Simple Present tense

Active and Passive Voice – Present Continuous Tense

Active and Passive Voice rules – Present Perfect Tense

Active and Passive Voice rules – Past Indefinite Tense

Active and Passive Voice rules – Past continuous tense

Active and Passive Voice rules – Past perfect tense

Active and Passive Voice rules - Simple future tense

Active and Passive Voice rules Future perfect Tense

How to convert active voice sentence

How to form passive forms of verbs?

Rules for changing Active Voice into Passive Voice:

Changing Passive Voice to Active Voice.

1 comment:

  1. Learning new vocabulary is very interesting for fresh learners. who want to get command over language learning skills

    combining Two Sentences


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