
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Write an e-mail to the Upazila Nirbahi Officer immediate arrangement for vaccination in your locality

Suppose, you are an inhabitant of Narayanpur, Jhenaidah. Cholera has broken out in your locality in an epidemic form. Now, write an e-mail to the Upazila Nirbahi Officer of Jhenaidah Sadar seeking immediate arrangement for vaccination in your locality.
From: Anil Kumar<>
To : <>
Sent : Tuesday, September 15, 2015; 9:06 am.
Subject : Immediate arrangement for vaccination.
Dear Sir,
With due honour, I would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that cholera has broken out in the area of Narayanpur in an epidemic form. It has already begun taking toll of many human lives. Many are counting days of death. But it is a sorrowful matter that no vaccination work has yet been started in the affected areas. In these circumstances, I request you to take immediate steps for the arrangement of vaccination.
Best regards,
Anil Kumar,
House No : 21,
Narayanpur, Jhenaidah.

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