A simple sentence is characterized by only one independent clause
and no dependent clause.
Such as: Listening to music is my hobby.
পক্ষান্তরে একটি compound sentence এ কমপক্ষে দুটি independent
clause থাকে যারা পৃথক sentence হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হতে পারে এবং coordinating
conjunction দিয়ে যুক্ত থাকে ।
On the other hand, a compound sentence is characterized by at
least two independent clauses which can be used as separate sentences and are
connected with a coordinating conjunction.
Such as: Listening to music and singing songs are my hobbies.
Simple sentence কে compound sentence এ রূপান্তরিত করার নিয়ম নীচে বর্ণিত হলো ।
The rules for transforming simple sentence to compound sentence
are discussed below.
Rule 1:
যদি simple sentence এ বোঝানো হয় যে কেউ দুটো কাজ করছে, একটি আগে ও আরেকটি পরে তবে Compound
sentence এ প্রথম কাজটিকে দ্বিতীয় কাজের আগে উল্লেখ করে তাদেরকে “and”
conjunction দিয়ে যুক্ত করতে হবে। Sentence এ দ্বিতীয় কাজের tense ব্যবহার করা হবে।
If the simple sentence is stating that a person is doing two
things one after another, the compound sentence will mention the first thing
before the second thing and join them with a conjunction-“and” and the tense will be same as of doing the second thing.
Simple: Coming home she had lunch.
Compound: She came home and had lunch.
Simple: Going to the office I will write the article.
Compound: I will go to the office and will write the article.
Simple: Going to the varsity she will do the class.
Compound: She will go to the varsity and will do the class.
Rule 2:
Simple sentence এ “besides
being” থাকলে compound sentence এ “not only..….but also”
structure ব্যবহার করা হবে।
If the simple sentence has “besides being,” the
compound sentence will use “not only..….but also.”
Simple: Besides being beautiful the girl is intelligent.
Compound: The girl is not only beautiful but also intelligent.
Simple: Besides being a brilliant student she is a good singer.
Compound: She is not only a brilliant student but also a good
Simple: Besides being a good writer he is an outstanding lecturer.
Compound: He is not only a good writer but also an outstanding
Rule 3:
যদি simple sentence এ “in spite of” থাকে তবে compound sentence এ conjunction
“but” দিয়ে ভিন্ন clause দুটো যুক্ত করতে হবে।
If the simple sentence has “in spite of,” the
compound sentence will use the conjunction “but” joining
the two different clauses.
Simple: In spite of his poverty the postman never shirks his duty.
Compound: The postman is poor, but he never shirks his duty.
Simple: In spite of his illness he sat for the exam.
Compound: He was ill, but he sat for the exam.
Rule 4:
যদি simple sentence এ বলা হয় যে একজন person কে কোনকিছু অর্জন করতে must কিছু করতে হবে তবে compound
sentence এই structure follow করবে, ”person must do….or/otherwise
the person will not…..”
If the simple sentence tells that a person must do something to
achieve a certain thing, the compound sentence will follow this structure, ”person must do….or/otherwise the person will not…..”
Simple: You must study hard to get good marks in the exam.
Compound: You must study hard or/otherwise, you will not get good
marks in the exam.
Simple: He must run fast to win the race.
Compound: He must run fast or/otherwise, he will not win the race.
Rule 5:
যদি simple sentence এ বলা হয় যে একজন person কে must কিছু করতে হবে কোনকিছু escape/avoid করতে তবে compound
sentence এই structure follow করবে ”person must do….or/otherwise
person will + verb’s simple
form…..” or , ”person must
do…...or/otherwise person will be + verb’s past participle form
If the simple sentence dictates that a person must do something to
escape/avoid a certain thing, the compound sentence will follow one of the
following structures:
”person must
do….or/otherwise the person will + verb’s simple form…..”
”person must
do…...or/otherwise the person will be + verb’s past participle form.”
Simple: You must study hard to escape failure in the exam.
Compound: You must study hard or/otherwise you will fail the exam.
Simple: He must run fast to avoid losing in the race.
Compound: He must run fast or/otherwise, he will lose the race.
Simple: The culprit must run away to avoid his arrest.
Compound: The culprit must run away or/otherwise, he will be
Rule 6:
যদি simple sentence এ একজন person এর কোন কাজ করার কারণ বলা হয়, তবে compound
sentence এ প্রথমে কারণ উল্লেখ করে result বা ফলাফলকে conjunction “and” দিয়ে যুক্ত করা হয়।
If the simple sentence states any cause of a person’s doing something, the compound sentence will
first state the cause, then join the result or outcome with a conjunction “and.”
Simple: Being guilty he ran away.
Compound: He was guilty, and he ran away.
Simple: Being so happy he started to dance.
Compound: He was very happy, and he started to dance.
Rule 7:
যদি simple sentence এ “for” থাকে এবং এর আগে কোন কাজ করার ফলাফল থাকে ও পরে কারণ থাকে তবে compound sentence এ “so”/”therefore” থাকবে এবংএর আগে কারণ ও পরে কাজ করার ফলাফল থাকবে।
If the simple sentence has “for” having the
result before it and cause after it, the compound sentence will contain the
conjunction “so”/”therefore” having the cause before it and the result after it.
Simple: The boss praised him for his hard work.
Compound: He worked hard, so the boss praised him.
Compound: He worked hard, and therefore, the boss praised him.
In the above sentence, the result is “the praise of the boss, ” and the cause is “his(a person’s) hard
Simple: The singer is very popular among people for her sweet
Compound: The singer’s voice is sweet, so she is very popular among people.
Compound: The singer’s voice is sweet therefore she is very popular among people.
Rule 8:
যদি simple sentence এ “to” থাকে এবং এর আগে কোন কাজ করার ফলাফল থাকে ও পরে কারণ থাকে তবে compound sentence এ conjunction
“and” ব্যবহার হবে ও বাকি সবকিছু একই থাকবে।
If the simple sentence has “to” having the
result/outcome before it and the cause/reason after it, the compound sentence
will have the conjunction “and” all other things being the same.
Simple: She came here to meet me.
Compound: She came here and met me.
Simple: She studied hard to get good marks.
Compound: She studied hard and got good marks.
Rule 9:
যদি simple sentence এ “In the event of being” থাকে তবে compound sentence এই structure
follow করবে, “person must
not be+ adjective + or/otherwise + person will not be…….”।
If the simple sentence has “In the event of being,” the compound sentence will follow this structure “person must not be+ adjective + or/otherwise +
person will not be…….”
Simple: In the event of being late you will not be allowed to
participate in the meeting.
Compound: You must not be late or/ otherwise you will not be
allowed to participate in the meeting.
Simple: In the event of being lazy you will not be allowed on the
Compound: You must not be lazy or/ otherwise you will not be
allowed on the team.
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