
Sunday, January 13, 2019

A এবং B দ্বারা গঠিত অর্থ সহকারে কিছূ প্রয়োজনীয় Phrases দেওয়া হল।

Meanings of
Phrases -A

A list of Some Important Idioms and Phrases


ABC (primary knowledge, প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান)—He does not know the ABC of politics.

A stitch in time saves nine- সময়ের এক ফোড় অসময়ের দশফোড়-মূলতঃ timely action বা সময়মত কাজ করা-Those people who follow the proverb a stitch in time
saves nine succeed in life.

A bird in hand is worth two in bush-অনিশ্চিত অনেক প্রত্যাশার চেয়ে হাতে পাওয়া কম জিনিসও ভালো- We know the significance of the proverb a bird in hand
is worth two in bush.

A snake in the grass- a hidden enemy-গুপ্ত শত্রু- He dreads a snake in the grass.

Above all (more than anything else, সর্বোপরি)—Above all, be careful of your health.

Above board (spontaneous, অকপট)—His activities are open and above board.

Abode of God-খোদার আবাসস্থল- Heaven বা স্বর্গ- Life is not a abode of heaven.

Achilles' heel (week point, দুর্বলতা)—Falling in love with ladies is his
Achilles' heel.

A dark horse- A person about whose past
nothing is known-
যে মানুষের অতীত সম্পর্কে কিছু জানা যায় না- Mr. Hasan is a dark horse of our office.

A bolt from the blue – অপ্রত্যাশিত, দুঃখ বা ক্লেশ- an unexpected calamity- The incident
occurred as a bolt from the blue.

A bed of roses–  সুখ-স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যপূর্ণ-comfortable- Life is not a bed of roses.

A la mode – according to the current fashion
আধুনিক রীতি অনুসারে-He dressed in a la mode.

After all (in spite of everything, মোটের উপর)—After all, he is a good man.

After one’s own heart -কারো সর্বোত্তম পছন্দের অনুরূপ কিছু- Reza did the work after his own heart.

Against strong opposition – শক্তিশালী প্রতিপক্ষের বিপরীতে- in the teeth of- we were able to have our
project approved against strong oppositions.

All at once (suddenly হঠাৎ)—All at once a tiger came out of the forest.

All on a sudden (suddenly, হঠাৎ) -All on a sudden a tiger came out of the

All of a sudden (suddenly, হঠাৎ) –All of a sudden he came out.

All but (nearly, প্রায়)—The poor villagers are all but ruined.

All in – অত্যন্ত পরিশ্রান্ত- very tired- He feels all in the afternoon.

All in all (supreme, সর্বেসর্বা)-My father is all in all in his office.

Apple of discord (matter of dispute, বিবাদের মূল বিষয়)—The paternal property has become an apple of discord
between the two brothers.

Apple of one’s eyes- extremely favorite-অতিপ্রিয় ব্যক্তি বা বস্তু- The boy is the apple of his mother's eyes.

As if (as it would be, যেন) —He swims so beautifully as if he were the

As it were(যেন)—The sun is, as it were, the lamp of the

As usual (habitually, প্রতিনিয়ত)-He is late as usual.

As to (about, সম্পর্কে)-As to the matter I do not know anything.

At a loss (puzzled, হতবুদ্ধি)-He was at a loss and did not know what to

At all (primarily, আদৌ)-He does not know French at all.

At all events (in all cases, যাহাই হোক না কেন)-I shall stand by him at all events.

At a low ebb (declining, ভাটিমুখে/কমা)-His fame is at a low ebb now.

At arm's length (at a distance, অল্প দুরত্বে)-Try to keep the bad boy at arm's length.

At a stretch (without break, একটানা)-He can run ten miles at a stretch.

At bay (in a tight corner, কোণঠাসা)—The tiger was at bay in the bush.

At best (বড়জোর-) I can give you five taka at best.

At one's finger ends (ready at hand, নখদর্পনে)-All these facts are at his finger ends.

At daggers drawn (at enmity, ভীষণ শত্রতায়)—The two brothers are now at daggers drawn.

At home (skilled, দক্ষ)—He is at home in Mathematics.

At home (comfortable, আরামদায়ক) I feel at home in your house.

At large (free, স্বাধীনভাবে)-Birds can fly in the sky at large.

At last (in the long run, অবশেষে)-I got my missing book at last.

At least (at the lowest, কমপক্ষে) -At least one hundred boys will come to
school today.

At one's wits end (puzzled হতবুদ্ধি)-He was at his wits end and did not know
what to do.

At random (without any aim, উদ্দেশ্যহীনভাবে)-He hit the ball at random.

A red letter day- A memorable day-স্মরনীয় দিন- The 16 December is our red letter day.

At sixes and sevens (scattered, এলোমেলোভাবে)- All the furniture in the room were at
sixes and sevens.

At stake (in danger, বিপদে)-His life is at stake now.

At one's back and call (obedient, আজ্ঞাবহ) -He is always at my back and call.

At one with (একমত— I am at one with you on this point.

At one's own sweet will (according to his
ইচ্ছানুযায়ী) -He still does it at his own sweet will

At the eleventh hour (at the last moment, শেষমুহূর্তে)— The doctor came to the patient at the
eleventh hour.

At times (মাঝে মাঝে) —He comes here at times.

Meanings of Phrases -B


Bad blood (ill feeling, দ্বন্দ্ব)-Now there is bad blood between the two

Backup – পিছন থেকে সহযোগিতা- support- Her mother gave her financial back

Back stairs – গোপন অন্যায্য- secret and unfair influence- Although he
has failed in the written examination, he is using backstairs influence to get
the job.

Bag and baggage (with
all belongings,
তল্পিতল্পাসহ)—He left the place bag and baggage. [not, with bag and

Beat about the bush
(talk irrelevantly,
অপ্রাসঙ্গিক কথা বলা) —Please come to the point without beating about the bush.

Bed of roses
(comfortable condition,
ফুলশয্যা)—Life is not a bed of roses.

Bed of thorns
(uncomfortable condition,
কন্টকশয্যা)—Life is a bed of thorns

Birds of a feather
(persons of similar nature,
একই চরিত্রের মানুষ)-Birds of a feather flock together.

Beat black and blue
(beat severely,
বেদমভাবে প্রহার করা)-They beat the thief black and blue.

Beyond reforms –পুনর্গঠন অযোগ্য, Incorrigible – অশোধনীয়- He is totally beyond reforms.

Black sheep (person of
bad character,
কুলাংগার)—He is a black sheep in his family.

Blue blood –  অভিজাত; noble birth –অভিজাত বা উচ্চ বংশজাত-He is proud of his blue blood.

Bad blood – শত্রুতা, বিদ্বেষ, Animosity   –বিদ্বেষ বা ঘৃণা-He has no bad blood in society.

Beggar description
(cannot be described,
অবর্ণনাতীত হওয়া) —The beauty of the Taj beggars description.

But for (without ছাড়া) —But for your help I would have failed.

Before long (soon, শীঘ্রই) — He will come before long.

A bolt from the blue
(something quite unexpected,
বিনা মেঘে বজ্রপাত) The news of his father's death came to him
as a bolt from the blue.

By all means (in all
possible ways,
যেভাবেই হোক)— Try to do it by all means.

By and by (soon, শীঘ্রই)-He will come here by and by.

By the bye (in course of
কথাপ্রসংগে) —By the bye I came to know that he was ill.

By chance (by accident, হঠাৎ)— I met him on the way by chance.

By fits and starts
অনিয়মিতভাবে)— He reads by fits and starts.

By no means (in no way, কোন ভাবেই না)— I shall by no means call on him.

By hook or by crook ( by
fair means or foul,
যে ভাবেই হোক) —I must do this work by hook or by crook.

By far (in all respects,
সকল দিক দিয়ে) — He is by far the best boy in the class.

By leaps and bounds
(very rapidly,
দ্রুতগতিতে) The price of rice is increasing by leaps and bounds.

By and large (mostly, অধিকাংশ) — People in our village are by and large

Bid fair (have the
possibility of prospering
আশা প্রদান করা)-He bids fair to be a good

Big gun (a leading man, বড় মানুষ) — He is a big gun of our locality.

Bird's eye view (a rough
ভাসা ভাসা চোখে) — He took a bird's eye view of the flood-stricken area from an aero

Bone of contention
(matter of dispute,
বিবাদের মূল বিষয়)- The paternal property is the bone of contention between the two

Book worm (one who
always reads books only,
বই পড়ুয়া) — Don't be a book worm like Parosh.

Bosom friend (intimate
অন্তরঙ্গ বন্ধু)— Parosh is my bosom friend.

Bottom Line-কোনো গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয়/ঘটনা, অথবা সর্বনিম্ন পরিমাণ অর্থ যা ক্রেতা পণ্যের জন্য দিতে কিংবা বিক্রেতা নিতে রাজী থাকে- the essential point- He forgot to mention the bottom
line of the matter.

Bring to light (make
স্পষ্ট হওয়া)— At last all the facts were brought to light

Bring to pass –  কোনো কিছু ঘটা- Cause to happen- When he came, the incident brought to

Bring to book (punish, শাস্তি দেওয়া) — He should be brought to book for his

Build castles in the air
(indulge in idle vision,
আকাশ কুসুম স্বপ্ন দেখা)— Don't idle away your time in building castles in the

Burning question (matter
of strong debate,
জরুরী সমস্যা)—  The problem of the dowry system is the burning question of the

Breathe one's last (die,
শেষ নিঃশ্বাস ত্যাগ করা)— The old man breathed his last on Sunday last.

By dint of (through, সাহায্যে) —He made a good result by dint of hard

Brown study (fit of
দিবা স্বপ্ন) —He is absorbed in brown study.

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