This is a list of vocabulary items related to personal relations: people and family members
Meaning | |
family | পরিবার (pôribar) |
relation | সম্পর্ক (shampôrkô) |
relative | আত্মীয় (atmīẏô) |
Own family | |
father | |
mother | মা (ma) |
husband | স্বামী (sh(w)amī) |
wife | স্ত্রী (shtrī) |
chhildren | শিশু (shishu) |
son | ছেলে (chhele) |
daughter | মেয়ে (meẏe) |
younger brother | (ছোট) ভাই ((chhoṭ) bha'i) |
elder brother | দাদা (dada) |
younger sister | (ছোট) বোন ((chhoṭ) bon) |
elder sister | দিদি (didi) |
Father's side | |
grandfather (father's father) | ঠাকুরদা/দাদু (ṭhakurda/dadu) |
grandmother (father's mother) | ঠাকুরমা/দাদী (ṭhakurma/dadī) |
uncle (father's younger brother) | কাকা/খুড়ো (kaka/khuṛo) |
uncle (father's elder brother) | জ্যেঠা (ǰyeṭha) |
uncle (father's sister's husband) | পিসে (pise) |
ount (father's younger brother's wife) | কাকী (kakī) |
ount (father's elder brother's wife) | জ্যেঠিমা (ǰyeṭhima) |
ount (father's sister) | পিসী (pisī) |
Mother's side | |
grandfather (mother's father) | দাদামশায় (dadamôshaẏ) |
grandmother (mother's mother) | দিদিমা (didima) |
uncle (mother's brother) | মামা (mama) |
uncle (mother's sister's husband) | মেসো (meso) |
ount (mother's brother's wife) | মামী (mamī) |
ount (mother's sister) | মাসী (masī) |
Brother's side | |
ount (younger brother's wife) | বৌমা (bouma) |
ount (elder brother's wife) | বৌদি (boudi) |
nephew (brother's son) | ভাইপো (bha'ipo) |
niece (brother's daughter) | ভাইঝি (bha'iǰhi) |
Sister's side | |
brother-in-law (younger sister's husband) | বোনাই (bona'i) |
brother-in-law (elder sister's husband) | দাদাবাবু (dadababu) |
nephew (sister's son) | ভাগনে (bhagne) |
niece (sister's daughter) | ভাগ্নী (bhagnī) |
Husband's side | |
father-in-law (husband's father) | শ্বশুর (sh(w)ôshur) |
mother-in-law (husband's mother) | শাশুড়ি (shashuṛi) |
brother-in-law (husband's younger brother) | দেবর (debôr) |
brother-in-law (husband's elder brother) | ভাশুর (bhashur) |
brother-in-law's wife (husband's younger brother's wife) | জা (ǰa) |
sister-in-law (husband's sister) | ননদ (nônôd) |
Wife's side | |
father-in-law (wife's father) | শ্বশুর (sh(w)ôshur) |
mother-in-law (wife's mother) | শাশুড়ি (shashuṛi) |
brother-in-law (wife's younger brother) | শালা (shala) |
brother-in-law's wife (wife's brother's wife) | শালাজ (shalaǰ) |
sister-in-law (wife's sister) | শালী (shalī) |
Son's family | |
daughter-in-law (son's wife) | বৌমা (bouma) |
grandson (son's son) | নাতি (nati) |
granddougther (son's daughter) | নাতনী (natanī) |
Daughter's family | |
son-in-law (daughter's husband) | জামাই (ǰama'i) |
grandson (daughter's son) | নাতি (nati) |
granddougther (daughter's daughter) | নাতনী (natanī) |
Other relatives | |
cousin (father's brother's son) | খুড়তুতো ভাই (khuṛtuto bha'i) |
cousin (father's brother's daughter) | খুড়তুতো বোন (khuṛtuto bon) |
cousin (father's sister's son) | পিসতুতো ভাই (pistuto bha'i) |
cousin (father's sister's daughter) | পিসতুতো বোন (pistuto bon) |
cousin (mother's brother's son) | মামাতো ভাই (mamato bha'i) |
cousin (mother's brother's daughter) | মামাতো বোন (mamato bon) |
cousin (mother's sister's son) | মাসতুতো ভাই (masatuto bha'i) |
cousin (mother's sister's daughter) | মাসতুতো বোন (masatuto bon) |
![]() man | ![]() woman | ![]() baby | ![]() boy | ![]() girl |
Family members
Nancy is Mr Lynch's daughter.
Bill is Mr Lynch's son.
Mr Lynch is Nancy's and Bill's father.
Mrs Lynch is Nancy's and Bill's mother.
Nancy and Bill are Mr Lynch's children.
Mr and Mrs Lynch are Nancy's parents.
Nancy is Steve's wife.
Steve is Nancy's husband.
Nancy is Bill's sister.
Bill is Nancy's brother.
Laura is Bill's and Barbara's daughter.
John is Laura's brother.
John is Alan's cousin.
Alan is Bill's nephew.
Lisa is Bill's niece.
Lisa is Mr Lynch's granddaughter.
Alan is Mr Lynch's grandson.
Mr Lynch is Alan's grandfather.
Mr and Mrs Lynch are Alan's grandparents.
Alan, Lisa, Laura and John are Mr Lynch's grandchildren.
Mrs Lynch is Alan's grandmother.
Barbara is Nancy's sister-in-law.
Steve is Bob's brother-in-law.
Mr Lynch is is Steve's father-in-law.
Mrs Lynch is Steve's mother
in law.
Barbara is Mr Lynch's daughter-in-law.
Steve is Mr Lynch's son-in-law.
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